Note that the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score needs to be lower for Web content than for hardcopy material, taking the physiological factors (eg. … you need to look at the document with fresh eyes. the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score is greater than 5 - 7 (for younger readers), 5 - 9 (general readers) or 7 - 12 (industry or technical readers).the Flesch Reading Ease score is lower than 60%, or.In the Find What box, enter the word or phrase you want counted. The Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. the Passive Sentences percentage is higher than 15%, or First, if you want to know the number of times a specific word or phrase is used, you can follow these steps: Press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.The Readability area can draw attention to possible problems in the general writing style of the document. The number of words per paragraph ( x ) should be no greater than 40 - 70 words for general prose, or 30 - 50 words for a summary paragraph.The average length of sentences ( Averages > Words per Sentence) should be no greater than 15 - 20 words.The total word count ( Counts > Words) should be no greater than 500 words for a general page, or 700 words for a long page.Some of the information presented by Word's readability statistics is of little use, but you can use some of the statistics to check word count rules of thumb.

Include the words in the footnotes and endnotes if those words. A box will appear, giving you information about the text that you highlighted, including the number of words it contains. Select Word Count from the dropdown menu that appears.
Ms word 2016 word count how to#
Go to the Tools menu and select Spelling and Grammar (or use the F7 key). Heres how to count words in Microsoft Word 2003: Select Tools from the tool bar on the top of the page.Tick the Check grammar with spelling and Show readability statistics checkboxes.Go to the Tools menu and select Options.You'll need grammar checking turned on to display readability statistics (even if you turn it off afterwards). Readability statistics: percentage of passive sentences in the document, Flesch Reading Ease score, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.Averages: average sentences per paragraph, words per sentence, and characters per word.Counts: the number of words, characters, paragraphs, and sentences in the document.The Readability Statistics facility in Microsoft Word includes:

Microsoft Word's readability scores are based on American audiences and Word's sometimes quirky grammar checking, but they can give an idea of the readability of Web content and provide some general rules of thumb that can be useful. Using MS Word Readability Statistics for Web Writing